You might have noticed that things look a bit different around here at Bully Pulpit HQ. We decided it was time to give our website a new paint job and a few screen doors to spruce up the place as we head into a new year. We hope you like what you see!
You might also have noticed that we've added a web store that we didn't have before, giving you the opportunity to buy our games directly from the source, and giving us a place to feature small print projects that we might not be able to release through other channels.
All of this comes as the result of a bunch of hard work from Jenn Martin, Hannah Schaffer, and Alex Roberts, as well as some great product images from our friend Rockette Fox.
This is also all made possible by our new partnership with Atlas Games, who will be handling the fulfillment for our shipments from the site. We're very pleased with this arrangement and we think you will be too.
If you have any questions or suggestions for things you'd like to see here, check out our FAQ and let us know what's on your mind!