Star Crossed is a two-player game about really, really wanting to, when you really, really can’t.
Playing Star Crossed will feel like being pulled in two directions at once–like when your head and heart are telling you two different things, or when what you want and what you believe in are impossible to reconcile. The game is simple, quick, and filled with delicious moments of excitement, tension, and occasional heartbreak.
Star Crossed by Alex Roberts was the winner of the 2019 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming!
Actual Play
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Read more about how the game plays
In Star Crossed, you and your fellow player will craft characters who are powerfully attracted to each other, but have a compelling reason not to act on their feelings. You’ll watch the attraction between them grow as you play out scenes, taking turns describing what your character says and does. Some of the things you’ll want your character to do are going to increase that attraction—and when that happens, you are going to pull a brick out from an increasingly shaky tower and place it on the top.
If the tower falls, your characters act on their feelings! You decide what happens; the rules will tell you what that means. How many bricks you’ve pulled will help determine if your love is doomed, triumphant, or something in-between.
Of course, that tower may never fall. If you make it through the final scene and the tower is still standing, the character never act on their feelings. Sometimes that’s the right thing to do.
Star Crossed takes about two hours to play. You’ll need the rules, the cards, some character sheets and a couple pencils. And a tower of bricks, of course.
Listen to people play
She’s A Super Geek – Phil and Senda play a cyberpunk city’s Emergency Medical System and her flustered programmer
Heart Points Pod – Zack and Diana play a simple asteroid miner and her spaceship’s= artificially intelligent operating system.
Party of One – Host Jeff Stormer and designer Alex Roberts play a “match” made in heaven: two pro wrestlers with a powerful rivalry that leaves much unspoken.
Pod of Love – Meet Stephen and Christian, two gym bros with a special connection. Will their love make gains?
Hear interviews with the designer
Breaking down the story/mechanics binary on War Rocket Ajax
Embracing limitations on Gaming with Gage
Star Crossed‘s earliest origins on Modifier
A history of romantic games on Curiosity in Focus
The structure of a romance plot on 3W6
A deep dive into the inner workings of Star Crossed, via its character sheet, on Character Creation Cast parts One, Two, and Three.

“The stories are sweet, sad, and sexy as hell. Playing feels like falling in love. I have only played one game so far, but it left a profound impression on me. It’s one of those games that proves how beautiful roleplaying is as an art form.”
“It has an elegantly light system that prepares players to jump right in and create romantic narrative knots that will have you battling the butterflies in your stomach to keep your hands steady enough to make your big move.”
“What I find genuinely surprising about the design—and what draws me to it—is not just how well the metaphor fits; but how the metaphor veers from that of Dread. Hiding in the gravity of that teetering tower is not the grisly finality of well-swung hammer or the existential threat of eternal void, but something far more terrifying: real human desire.”

Star Crossed was inspired by Epidiah Ravachol’s Dread, as well as Emily Care Boss’s Breaking the Ice, Avery Alder’s A Place to Fuck Each Other, ph lee’s Hot Guys Making Out, and of course Leslie Scott’s Jenga. If Star Crossed inspires you to make your own game, or to modify its rules into something new, please let us know!
Space Station Fobolex
Play Star Crossed with 5-25+ People!
Space Station Fobolex is a massive Star Crossed gaming event for 4 to 20 players, and 1 to 4 facilitators (depending on your number of players).
While players still pair up around individual towers, you will all be playing in a shared fictional space. What happens at your table could impact the environment in ways that change other players’ stories.
Space Station Fobolex is an interstellar waypoint, a crossroads of weird aliens with even weirder cultures. Aboard the station, a dedicated crewworks hard to keep the lights on and the inevitable conflicts to a minimum. As a major trade hub, the station sees its share of shady figures, from corporate raiders to dubious freighter captains to actual space pirates.And as a place that’s as far from home as you can get, no matter where you call home, it is a haven for iconoclasts, rebels, and the heartbroken.
But into this maelstrom,a new force will arise – a force perhaps unfamiliar to the hardscrabble crew and visitors to Space Station Fobolex. A force called… love.
Download Space Station Fobolex Now!